06 Jun A “one size fits all” trainer
I am 73 years old and have been training with Kathy Murray for almost 15 years. She has helped me through a minor injury and a very serious illness. I truly feel that I would not have recovered from the latter as quickly and completely without Kathy’s professional help and personal encouragement.
She is not a “one size fits all” trainer. The workout that my 40 something daughter does is different from mine but mine is no less rigorous for someone my age. Kathy’s involvement goes way beyond the training sessions. She checks in regularly regarding diet, other exercise habits and whatever is going on in my life. Two phrases that always earn me a stern lecture are: “I’m too old for this” and “ I had a lot of wine last night!”
I am glad that Kathy is younger than I am because I never want another trainer!
– Sylvia San Martin